Thursday, January 8, 2009

Praise Report

My family and I truly appreciate your prayers and words of encouragement as we prepared to take our daughter, Hannah, to MD Anderson for her annual check up. There were some slight spinal issues the doctor here in San Antonio noticed that could have been related to her Neurofibromatosis. Had that been the case, there would have been multiple possible complications and causes for concern. We were obviously concerned as we headed to Houston to see what the tests would reveal.

The trip to MD Anderson was incredible! Her spinal issue is just a slight rotation in the lower back and has nothing to do with her Neurofibromatosis! Praise God! In addition, the doctors at MD Anderson (who are on the cutting edge of NF research) had new findings through research this past year which gives us new tools and insight into her disease. It was a huge relief to drive home after three days and know that we don't have to go back to MD Anderson until her next check up later this year. She is doing well.

Thank you again for your prayers. We are blessed!

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