Sunday, March 8, 2009

Internationals, Atheists, Non-Christian Organizations

It is always a blessing when a community of faith feels compelled, even responsible for reaching out to the lost, developing relationships with them-when obedience to the Great Commission is more important than any sense of personal comfort.

It is a huge blessing when a community of faith takes 1 Peter 3:15, 16 quite seriously, always being ready to give reason for the hope that is within, but to do so with all gentleness and respect. Love and graciousness are the framework for apologetics.

When a community "gets" this-the issue is not "winning arguments" with lost people, but rather, through an authentic, loving relationship, sharing Christ and making Him known, being prepared to answer questions as to "why do you believe in Him?" God has brought us to this place-and I am excited and blessed!

There will be parties monthly over the next three months for international students. These gatherings serve two purposes: First, to develop relationships with the many international students on campus and through those relationships to demonstrate the love of Christ. Second, through those relationships, to share the Gospel. We have relationships with students from Eastern Europe, China, Japan, Morocco...from places where the Gospel is "not" either due to government persecution of Christians or a completely different worldview/faith system.

Our students have also initiated a "bowling night" with students in the Atheist Agenda, something that is a miracle in and of itself (the Agenda's openness to doing something with a Christian organization). The purpose of this night is to simply build relationships that will provide opportunity for honorable conversations about the Gospel. We are the only Christian organization on campus that the Atheist Agenda considers "cool." We found that they have had a rough history with other organizations on campus that have further driven many of their members away from Christians. They (the Agenda) have been somewhat intrigued and caught off guard by the love they have encountered in our students. We need your prayers. This is both a significant opportunity as well as a significant responsibility. We have favor with them, and that is solely His doing. Please pray for our students as they continue to dialogue with perhaps the most militant group on campus.

Our students have also planned a social gathering in which we are specifically inviting non-Christian organizations to participate. The response thus far is exciting. Again, the purpose is to develop relationships for the sake of the Gospel. I am proud of our students!

We are seeing our community reach out to other communities not connected to Christ. We are seeing our students individually and in small groups reach out to the lost as well-this takes place daily.

Please pray that God would be glorified in all of these things-and please pray for the spiritual protection of our students. Their faith and willingness to go to the edge encourages and challenges me.

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