Wednesday, May 6, 2009


This is a rarity for us, but we (Baptist Student Ministries) will be putting on a rummage sale this Saturday, May 9th, at Northwest Hispanic Baptist Church to help raise support for our mission trip May 19-26. We are taking 20 wonderful students to work primarily on Skid Row in Los Angeles and among the urban poor. These students have prayed, worked and prepared well for what I can only describe as a very intense but meaningful time of service, evangelism and training in one of the most difficult contexts in America.

If you or your church is looking for some audio visual equipment, electronics, office supplies-or simply looking for things like appliances, furniture, fixtures or clothes, please come! All proceeds will go directly to students going on the mission trip.

God has blessed us tremendously with the prayers and support of many. We are so thankful for your prayers and encouragement.

At this point we are still short on what we need to cover costs, and we are praying and hoping the rummage sale helps us reach that goal.

Northwest Hispanic Baptist Church: 9603 Braun Road; San Antonio TX 78254

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