Monday, July 13, 2009

Los Angeles

We had an incredible, transformational mission trip to Los Angeles. Words cannot describe how significant the trip was. Out of all the mission trips I have been on over the past 22 years, this one was the most amazing experience. There are many reasons for that:
1) God truly moved on the trip. From the moment we touched down until the time we left, it was quite obvious He had business with us.
2) The students were amazing. I could not have asked for a more well prepared and more responsive and willing group.
3) We discovered more of 'communitas'-that rare thing that takes place when a community grows closer to God and to one another as collectively they stay focused on the mission and go to the margins, the fringes, and experience tests and the discomfort of being out of the the safety of familiarity.
4) The church we connected with, Mosaic, provided an incredible framework for understanding mission, community and how a community of faith can be so wonderfully shaped by faith, hope and love.

There are stories below that describe our trip to Los Angeles. I posted them all on Face Book the week after we returned. I have taken a brief break from Blogging-I had other work that I needed to tend to, so please forgive the late post. I realize that many of those who follow BSM are not on Face Book, and I wanted to get the information out to my other friends today. I hope you enjoy the stories, and gain a sense of how wonderfully God moved, what can happen if we are open to Him, and the power of Him writing our stories....
Grace and Peace,

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